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Social Media Marketing: It’s Meaning and Implication to the Success of Your Business In 2022

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  • Post last modified:August 15, 2022

The digital age has ushered in a whole new world of social networking. Our new playgrounds today have gone online and it’s getting even all the more interesting with AI automations adopted by most of the social media platforms.

Today, there are myriads of social media platform ranging from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest, Tiktok etc. While they can used as playgrounds, several other use cases have evolved over time such as e-learning, meeting places, research hubs and most of all a huge market for several business.

The advent of social media marketing is a quantum leap in marketing. As we all know, buying and selling usually thrives well in places with large pools of people. It even becomes more enticing to business persons like you when such large pools of people are consistent. This is what social media marketing offers any business today.  In 2022, over 4.62 billion people of the 8 billion persons on planet earth are on social media. And this number is often consistent on a daily basis.

The social media is super gold mine for your business and any other business in the world today. If I may ask, have logged into any social media today? I bet the answer is yes. And possibly must have stumbled on some Advertisement or sponsored post. Have you ever thought about how Facebook makes its money? How about why others bombard your timeline, stories and search with lots of adverts? These persons (or businesses) pay Mark Zuckerberg to show ads to you with the hope that you will buy. And this is simply because they are maximizing the large and consistent pools of people on Facebook to make more sales.

But social media marketing isn’t just about ads. You need to have a brand presence on your platforms too. But the big question is, which platform is best for your kind of business?

Facebook was dominating the social media terrain until Tiktok came and currently both Facebook, Instagram and YouTube are fast adopting the short video models of Tiktok. So what is the best way for you to go? We’ll explore that shortly.

Define your ideal client?

An ideal client is the perfect customer for what your organization solves for. You should be able to find out his likes, dislikes, associations, demography and the places he likely hangs out at leisure time. This will help you in deciding the right social media platform to utilize the most.

You’ll want more than one persona, as more than one type of person buys your products. Start by making two or three, then make more once you get more data and get the hang of it.

Find Which Social Media Your Ideal Clients Are?

The outcome of your definition of your ideal client profile or persona, will show you which social media platform is best for you. While you might find one particular platform that is best suited for your ideal clients, it is not a bad idea to be on more than one social media platform. This will give you more visibility and the opportunity to reach more potential customers.

The Unique Marketing Features of Different Social Media Platforms

Facebook Marketing

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world today with over with over 2.9 billion monthly active users. These user cuts across 18-65+ year of age. The largest users of Facebook fall within 25 and 35 years range. This therefore means Facebook can be used by most businesses; however, in-depth analysis must be done in order to reach a final decision that will be cost effective. This is  you will need the service of a professional company like Digiphils LTD. If the right professionals do not help you here, you will stand to waste your hard earned time, money and resources on the wrong platform.

Twitter Marketing

Twitter is also another large social media platform with over 330 million monthly active users. The largest users of Twitter fall within 25 and 34 years range. Similar to Facebook, Twitter offers an impressive targeted advertising platform. Their audience targeting features help you zero in on the users and their habits. If you know your audience loves sports, Twitter can place your ads in between posts related to sports.

For best digital marketing research and cost effective advertisement on twitter, Digiphils LTD. Is your best marketing and advertising company to handle the job.

Twitter is also known for incorporating the infamous hashtag into social media campaigns. These are short phrases formed together with a hashtag or this symbol # as the first character. Ex. #SocialMediaCampaigns or # Digiphils. By using hashtags your content is placed into a sub search group with everyone utilizing that phrase. Try to create hashtags unique to your brand.

Instagram Marketing

Instagram is owned by Meta and they have several integration features such as WhatsApp integration, Advertisement integration, cross platform posting and lots more. Instagram has over 2 billion active monthly users most of whom are young people within the age of 18-35 years.

One thing worthy of note is that there are significantly more females than males that use the app, about 58% of users are female compared to 42% male.

For the best Instagram social media campaigns; you will need to have vibrant and engaging images. Video is also a big feature and if you can get the message inside a one-minute video clip you’ll have success in capturing the viewer’s attention.

YouTube Marketing

YouTube is another platform with a massive reach. It is both a search engine and a video based social media platform. YouTube reports on its usage for those between 16 and 64 years. As of 2021, 82% of all male adults are on YouTube, while 80% of all females access the platform in the U.S. (Pew Research, 2021). According to a 2021 Pew Research report, 95% of 18-29 year-olds and 91% of 30-49 year-olds in the U.S. use YouTube.

YouTube has more than 2.6 billion monthly active users. YouTube Premium and Music together have more than 50 million subscribers in the world. More than ¼ of the world’s population use YouTube every month. Youtube has paid advertisement options with powerful targeting that can massively benefit your business. Looking to take advantage of YouTube marketing, Digiphils LTD is here to help you.

Google Marketing

Google is the biggest part of the internet with over four billion monthly active users. While most people see google as a search engine, it worthy to note that Google is as well a social media with one of the most powerful assets for businesses called Google Business. With Google business profile, you can deploy massive local business marketing strategy and localized advertisements to reach people within your locality.

With a good Google business profile, you can easily get found when people simply search Google for products or services similar to yours. You can also post updates, offer and lots more on your Google business profile. Most of all you can run Google advertisement from your Google business profile and drive more calls, sales or traffic to your business.


Define your Ideal Social Media Marketing Objectives?

Having chosen the best social medial platform for your business, the next thing is to define your objective. Defining your objective from onset is very important. While others might come to the social media to socialize, you must never forget you are there for business. Consistent efforts must be made by you to ensure you achieve the Ideal Social Media Marketing Objectives for your business which include:

  • Brand awareness
  • Customer engagement to ensure your products remains evergreen in their hearts
  • Lead generation for prospective and potential customers
  • Leads conversions and sales
  • Receiving social proof or reviews for customer retention.

Setting Up Your Profile on Social Media Platforms

Now that you know where your audience is, it’s time to set up a profile. You’ll need an official business page, and possibly a users group if you want to add that sense of community.

To create a page, you’ll need to create a business account. Then you’ll set up your profile with the exact same information you use on your website and Google Business listing.

You want everything to be the same across the board, so your customers never get confused.

You can set your logo as your profile picture, but you’ll need a header picture too. That should be something branded, but personalized, like a picture of your home office team with the logo in the corner.

Write out the description of your company and decide if you’re going to use the Facebook shop feature.

With all that filled out, it’s time to set up the Facebook Ads Manager. You’ll control your Instagram ads from here as well.

Facebook Ads Manager

When you go into ads manager for the first time, you’ll have to set up your payment options. Then you’ll build your audiences, and then you’ll finally build an ads.

Make sure the card that you file with Facebook is one you are allowed to repeatedly charge. Most of the time Facebook charges your card once you’ve hit a certain amount of ad spend.

Create an Audience

With that setup, go to your tool to drop down and click audiences. Then click “create custom audience”. It’ll give you a screen full of choices, where you can choose things like demographic details and location.

The locations are anywhere from a 5-30 mile radius from the recorded location of your business.

You can also search for related interests. Like if you sold boats you could target people who like the page “National Boating Day”, or something like that.

In a minute we’ll teach you about remarketing, but just create a general audience for now. Make it specific enough that you’ll get people interested in your products, but not so small that it goes under 30,000 people.

Create the Ad

Now you can create a campaign, and within that campaign, you can create an Ad. Facebook has a pretty strict text rule – only 20% of the image you choose for the ad can be text.

You’ll choose how much you want to spend on this ad per day in this screen, along with which audience you want to show it to.

Finally, Facebook will have you choose a call to action for your ad. Something like “learn more”, “shop now”, or “sign up”.

Make sure the one you pick is relevant and that it leads to the right landing page.

Set Up Your Pixel

A pixel is a small piece of code that both Facebook and Google use to track activity on your website. You’ll have to install two different pixels, one for each parent site.

Your pixel will then allow you to create a retargeted audience, as in, the people who visited your page or expressed interest in your product but didn’t convert.

You’ll set that up through the “website traffic” option when you create a new ad audience.

Creating Content

Now all that was just about audience and ads, but you also have to create content. Content is anything that intrigues or brings information to your customers. It could be an informational graphic, a video, or a blog post.

You’re on the hook for creating at least one (if not two) pieces of unique content per day, if you want to stay relevant.


As you can see, handling social media marketing is a full-time job. If you keep it in-house, you’ll have to hire a full-time employee to help you keep up. So why not outsource to someone who’s an expert and that will work with you virtually?

This is where you need Digiphils LTD. Digiphils LTD is a Marketing and Advertising that takes pride in getting you as many new clients than you can possibly handle and rapidly grow your revenue. Click here to learn more and hire us today.


Philip Akoji is the CEO Digiphils Marketing and Advertising Company LTD. He is a passionate marketer and writer whose goal to see all businesses flourishes by deploying the right marketing strategies. He believes marketing is the life blood of every successful business.