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  • Post last modified:August 15, 2022

Many businesses in Nigeria have had a hard time reaching out to and engaging target audience on social media. It has even become much harder with censorship by most social media platforms, which reduces the organic reach of most post. Facebook for example is highly against posts with links that lead people out of Facebook. This explains  why many of such posts reach very few people. Truth is, most social media platforms wants you to pay them to reach more people. And Digiphils Marketing and Advertising is here to help you out with all that. 

Creating engaging contents and working on strategies that lead to conversions are major things you must do in your social media marketing . However, you must put a lot of time and effort into perfecting the social media channels that represent your brand. With social media being one of the most powerful digital tools today, it can be easy for it to go wrong if it isn’t executed correctly. In order for your business to gain marketing success with your target audience and earn more engagement from followers. Here are some things that you must not do in order to ensure maximum social media marketing success. 

1.   Refrain from being outdated in your Social Media Marketing Efforts: It is the information age and new trends fly around faster than you can imagine. Your clients are actively researching online for latest trends and when they discover you are not up to date in your industry, they will quickly dump you for other firms. So regularly conduct research and reports to analyze new industry changes and trends.

2.  Refrain from leaving your old posts without revising and updating them. One of the most important things for all brands marketing on the social media is to edit, edit, and EDIT. If you’ve ever come across a social media post that had a grammar mistake or misinformation on it, then you know that it becomes less appealing and makes the brand appear lower in quality. While many social media platforms allow you to edit and make changes even after posting, it’s best to keep it professional and get it right the first time. While marketing on social media your business should ensure that everything is correct, including information, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and graphics.

3. Refrain from posting insensitive content: Posting insensitive contents can easily turn a lot of people off your page. This can lead them to unlike, unsubscribe or post negative reviews about your business. With “cancel culture” becoming a huge part of today’s modern society and pop culture, it can be fairly easy to offend audiences of all sorts. All businesses in Nigeria should refrain from posting insensitive and offensive contents so that negative reactions are less likely to occur from audiences. Using occasional meme doesn’t hurt, and there’s nothing wrong with humour; however, just make sure that social media content doesn’t cross the line.

4. You must refrain from being rude: the customer is king and he/she is the very reason why your business exist. You went through all the stress to establish your business for one person: “the King Customer”. Anyone who dares to be rude to the king, is bound to face the route of the king and he/she will have an entire kingdom against him/her. When you are rude in your social media marketing efforts, you will create for yourself a kingdom of enemies who will go about painting you black before every other potential client of yours they meet. 

Despite any negative comments or complaints that may pop up on social media posts, it’s best to respond in a professional, compliant manner that shows your dedication to help solve a problem. Keep it classy!

5.  You must refrain from  being Inconsistent: 

While this isn’t to say that you are to post every single day, there should still be a strategy and schedule in place. Consistency is key, and in order to keep target audiences enticed and engaged, you should put a social media marketing plan in place to post regularly so that they don’t become forgotten and lose value. No one stays interested in brands that only post once every few months when inspiration hits, so formulate a consistent schedule with a proper strategy that keeps audiences engaged.

6. Refrain from being Too Salesy

While business is a dominant force that drives everything, your social media marketing posts shouldn’t come across as too salesy. It’s tiring for consumers and target audiences to always have products and services shoved in their faces. This can actually drive business away from brands and your business in particular. Your social media marketing strategies should add a touch of flair and personality, while also putting in effort to show that your business truly care about consumer needs as they work to provide a solution.


Marketing and social media can be challenging to perfect, especially with trends and technology constantly changing. With that being said, your social media marketing efforts must work towards implementing a well-devised strategy that provides results. By adopting basic, simple practices, your business can see a higher success rate of connecting with audiences and increasing engagement as they work towards promoting brand awareness and growth. Keep campaigns balanced and concise, and you’ll see how much of a difference it can make.


Philip Akoji is the CEO Digiphils Marketing and Advertising Company LTD. He is a passionate marketer and writer whose goal to see all businesses flourishes by deploying the right marketing strategies. He believes marketing is the life blood of every successful business.